Sunday, March 13, 2011

At Home Workout Plan continued...

Hey everyone as promised I am going to try and keep some at home workout idea's coming for you all. Right now I am going to post up a routine that is for the upper body. It is very basic and very effective!

100 pull-ups: Does not matter if you do them one at a time or ten sets of ten etc etc as long as they are done!

Switch up the grips on the pull-ups to work the different muscles in the back. Use this diagram as an example.

Now only one more exercise!

100 push-ups: Same rules apply as the pull ups.

Try doing this 2-3 times a week and see if you notice a change in your body within a couple weeks. Remember to eat an hour or two before working out and remain hydrated all day long. This will aid in your overall weight loss!

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