Sunday, March 13, 2011

At Home Workout Plan continued...

Hey everyone as promised I am going to try and keep some at home workout idea's coming for you all. Right now I am going to post up a routine that is for the upper body. It is very basic and very effective!

100 pull-ups: Does not matter if you do them one at a time or ten sets of ten etc etc as long as they are done!

Switch up the grips on the pull-ups to work the different muscles in the back. Use this diagram as an example.

Now only one more exercise!

100 push-ups: Same rules apply as the pull ups.

Try doing this 2-3 times a week and see if you notice a change in your body within a couple weeks. Remember to eat an hour or two before working out and remain hydrated all day long. This will aid in your overall weight loss!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Breakfast Time!!!

Looks good right!! Try this recipe out in the morning on those days where you may be tempted to eat something bad (pancakes etc etc).  Keep in mind this recipe is a batch of anywhere from 8-14 tortillas full depending on how big of tortillas you use. 

3/4 lb. of chicken breast (dice it or shred it up once it is cooked)
1 can black beans (make sure to drain and rinse them)
4 egg whites
5 whole eggs
salt and pepper for flavor
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (if you want to get reduced fat that is okay!)
8-14 flour tortillas (I recommend whole grain and lo-carb)

Cook Your chicken breast up first. Cook it in a pan and once the chicken is done cooking add in your egg white/whole egg mixture. While this is cooking make the black beans as well. I heat up my tortillas in the microwave for a couple seconds covered by paper towels. Put your tortilla on a plate and add your egg/chicken mixture. Top this with the black beans and cheese. Salt and pepper can be used to add a little bit of flavor (I use sea salt). Enjoy!

I will post  a picture of the tortilla's I use as well:

Carbs At Night

Hey all it's BigBen here:

      Most of us love carbs! I do not believe that carbs are bad at all as a matter of fact quite the opposite. Carbs are a good thing to incorporate into your day-to-day diet but timing is very important.

Tip #2

Don't eat carbs at night! Eat your carbs earlier in the day when your body will be able to use them as fuel. When you eat carbs at night you spike your blood sugar and store your food into fat. At night people tend to get a lot of cravings. Keep to proteins, veggies and maybe a little bit of fat. Carbohydrates cause the body to retain water as well. By cutting your carbs at night you will also lose more water weight which will help you look even better!

As always post up any questions you may have I would love to help all of you meet your weight loss goals!

Monday, March 7, 2011

At Home Workout Plan

Hey guys its BigBen:
I know that many of you fall into a category of people who do not have access to a gym membership. It is much harder to lose weight without being physically active! What are some things that can be done at home so that you reach your weight loss goals? I want to post up one helpful tip as close to everyday as possible and see if this works for you!

Tip #1

Walk!! Do not worry about going outside and running to start your weight loss program. Every morning as soon as you wake up (and I mean as soon as you wake up!) roll out of bed put your shoes on and grab your iPod. Go outside and walk at a brisk pace for 30 minutes. Do not eat prior to this!! Do a little walk on an empty stomach everyday and watch the weight fall off!

Why this works:

If you were to eat prior to doing this cardio what would your body use as fuel? The food that you ate! If we do this on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and keep the heart rate low (under 140) your body will use fat as fuel! Your bodyfat at that! It will also give you more energy throughout the day and give you time to meditate before your day begins. There are a plethora of health benefits from a morning walk. Wake up, put on your shoes and watch the weight fall off!