Thursday, February 10, 2011


Hello all:
My name is BigBen and I am a personal trainer, nutritionist and bodybuilder. I'm writing this blog in order to help teenagers with weight loss. I was overweight as a child all the way into my teens. From my first hand experience I know the pains and struggles that a teen goes through when they are overweight. Weight loss is a confusing subject for everyone...especially teenagers. I will be addressing things from diet and training to proper supplementation and lifestyle. The journey to be in shape is a lifestyle and it is not an easy one to jump into. People need direction while they are trying to obtain their goals. I am here to discuss things that I have learned through schooling, research and first hand experience. I welcome everyone to feel free to ask any questions in here. The goal is to help everyone reach their peak physical shape the easiest way possible!


  1. Hi Ben, i bet you are good at making this site work, i want to lose a lot of weight and fast.

  2. Hi Lawrence, I am going to do the best I can with this blog! Feel free to ask questions for your goals.
