Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ben's rant against Flour!

Why You Should Exclude FLOUR From Your Diet

Bread's primary ingredient is flour. The problem with flour is that it lacks much nutritional value. Most store bought breads offer little in the way of nutrients. It does not aid in digestion and slows down the bodies metabolism This is why:
Generally refined white flour is produced from the whole wheat grain and then goes on to the refining process which removes all of the husk, or bran and leaves you with no nutritional value. It then is bleached using chemicals which contain chlorine and is then dried in kilns at high temperature which kills off anything beneficial. They then add gluten, which is a product that an increasing number of people are building allergies to. This helps to produce a more evenly risen and air filled loaf. A standard loaf of bread also has sugar added to it which adds more calories and damages the body. Salt is also added to check the progress of the yeast and prevent the loaf from rising too much, or over-proving. In turn adding to one's overall sodium consumption.
Eating mass produced bread has no health benefits whatsoever. Small bakery bread and home made loaves usually taste a little better but because flour is used in their production, there is still no health benefit.

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