Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cardio Last!!!

Hey guys its BigBen! Got a tip for the day. It's Sunday and most of us who workout will more than likely find ourselves in the gym tomorrow. I love sunday's because it is a new week and a good day to plan for the week. How can you meet your fitness goals this week? When I am working at the gym it almost never fails. The guys come in and go straight to the weight room. The ladies come in and go straight for the cardio. Who is right? When you enter the gym one of the first things on your agenda should be to warm up on a piece of cardio equipment. I like to do five minutes on the treadmill walking at a decent pace. You don't want to sweat and pant this is just a warm up! Then go do your weight training or resistance exercise. Then when you are done with that go back to the cardio section and do your real cardio session! Why do we do this? When you go to the gym you should have eaten. Do you want to burn all of your food off doing cardio? No! This would cause you to weight train on an empty stomach. When you weight train on an empty stomach the body is going to use muscle for fuel and not your bodyfat. If you waste all of your food energy on weight training and do LOW intensity cardio on an empty stomach the body responds differently. It will use bodyfat for fuel at this point and spare the muscle. Do your cardio last and you will have more muscle and less fat!

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